1938 - He founds a whole skeleton in the region of Blâr (Scotland). It is given the following name: Homo sapiens blârensis - the man from Blâr He is obsessed by the idea to discover more details about this "Homo sapiens blârensis". During his long research work lasting over nineteen years, Dr. Duchally gets the opportunity to document this new species through photography and drawings and witness's statements who are said to have seen the "Homo blârensis". He finds objects like weapons, small sculptures, even fragments of hair. Those really interesting finds, which have been discovered by Dr. Duchally in the surroundings of the village of Blâr (Scotland), ought to help him to gain acknowledgement by his colleagues. Unfortunately this never happened ... In the hair of "Homo sapiens blârensis" parasites have been discovered which couldn't be identified until today and it was even impossible to compare them to existing species.
1947 is a gloomy year for Dr. Jean Pierre Duchally. By inexplicable circumstances until today he has been confined against his will to an asylum for seven years. The reason: the Public Health Office (PHO) of Edinburgh asserted that he was infected by typhoid fever although one couldn't see any signs on him. His third wife, Jane Frymind, an Irish architect, tried to free her husband by any means, but without success. It appears that Duchally had been confined at Sir Richard Cullogh's wish director of the Museum of Anthropology of Scotland. Sir Cullogh and Dr. James O'Kullmick, President of the Public Health Office were good friends and both were involved in shady business in past times. So this was a conspiracy against Duchally and his work.
1954 - Dr. James O'Kullmick couldn't resist to his bad conscience any longer, he faced justice and was condamned to life imprisonment. Jean Pierre Duchally is sixty-seven when he leaves the asylum. He immediately sets off to Blâr, accompanied by two friends who always believed in his theory, in order to search for new proofs. Those proofs will attract attention in the whole world. Some really unusual photos which have also been published in the National Geographic Magazine, unfortunately won't lead to the expected success. During the following fourteen years nobody wants to declare Jean Pierre Duchally's anthropological collection to be authentic, a collection which he has gathered with much
strength and ambition, and which obviously seems to be authentic.
1968-1979 - Dr. Duchally is missing. One supposes that he went back to Middle America at the request of a Mexican Paleonthologist. 1979 - On February a notary from Edinburgh receives a letter from Duchally posted in San Cristobal de las Casas on August 17, 1975 (?)
1979, September - A person called Juan Cortes informs the notary by telephone about Duchally's death (ninety-two years old). His tomb lies on the Isle of Mull, Scotland.
Copyright ©  Jean Luc Koenig  All Rights reserved
The man from Blar 
Life of a anthropologist